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Rentals in SF
1318 Hayes St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 409-3263 telephone

Now that you've found an apartment that you are interested in, you can apply.

Click Here for our Application Form. Please follow the instructions below.

We are seeking applicants with a clean credit history, adequate verifiable income, good rental references and those who can move within the next two weeks. Please apply only after you have viewed the unit.

We will need all of the following before we begin to process your application:

1. Application: Each adult that intends to occupy the unit must fill out their own application and personally sign it, or if done online, you must check the authorization signature box.

2. Valid Photo ID: You must provide us with a copy of a valid photo ID (drivers license, state ID or passport).

3. Proof of income: Please include a copy of your proof of income, such as a recent pay stub.

4. Application Fee: There is a $30.00 application fee for each applicant payable by PayPal, cash or check made payable to Jackie Tom.

Applications with incomplete or inaccurate information can not be processed.

All units will be rented AS IS! Please ask any and all questions regarding the condition of the property before you apply. Once you complete and submit the application, you are acknowledging that you have personally inspected the unit and are aware and satisfied with the condition.

We do not accept outside credit reports - we will run your credit as part of the application process. If your application is approved, you will be notified within 24 hours.

Ways to Apply In Person:

To drop off your application packet at our office, make certain that you have all the items above. Our address is:

* Rentals in SF
1318 Hayes Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
We are located between Divisadero and Broderick.

Please notify us that you will be dropping off the application.

* Sheri Castilyn 409-3263 x2
Liz Pisco 415-785-7487
Jackie Tom 415-552-3263
Jack Tuller 415-346-7838

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